Monday, June 30, 2008

When I Look Into Your Eyes


when I look into your eyes...
what do I see?

when I look into your eyes...
i see someone with simple hopes
someone with simple aspirations
someone with longing for true love
looking for a companion
lost in the labyrinth of this crazy world.

when I look into your eyes...
i see someone in search of justice
someone in search of equality
someone in search of happiness
in search of simple joy
in search of a little laughter.

when i look into your eyes
what do i feel?

when I look into your eyes...
i can feel in my soul, the Human in you.
i can feel the essential in you
your future triumph
your future joy
your future laughter.

when i look into your soul
what do i feel?

when i look into your soul...
i feel one with your hopes
i feel one with your aspirations
one with your essence
one with your joy
one with your whole being

when i look into your soul,
i feel one with you.

come, look into my eyes...


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