Monday, June 30, 2008

When I Look Into Your Eyes


when I look into your eyes...
what do I see?

when I look into your eyes...
i see someone with simple hopes
someone with simple aspirations
someone with longing for true love
looking for a companion
lost in the labyrinth of this crazy world.

when I look into your eyes...
i see someone in search of justice
someone in search of equality
someone in search of happiness
in search of simple joy
in search of a little laughter.

when i look into your eyes
what do i feel?

when I look into your eyes...
i can feel in my soul, the Human in you.
i can feel the essential in you
your future triumph
your future joy
your future laughter.

when i look into your soul
what do i feel?

when i look into your soul...
i feel one with your hopes
i feel one with your aspirations
one with your essence
one with your joy
one with your whole being

when i look into your soul,
i feel one with you.

come, look into my eyes...


Tuesday, June 24, 2008



In these times of big crises, people are searching, looking for miracles. They want an immediate remedy to the pain they are experiencing deep within them. They are looking for masters, they are looking for leaders that they think can take them away from all these misery.

But all they have to do is close their eyes, and remember the exact moment when they were born. There, in that exact moment a great miracle happened.

Do not look for masters; for all the knowledge in the universe are within you. Do not look for leaders; for the path that leads to happiness can only be found inside of you. Do not look for miracles; for you are the miracle.

You are the miracle that you have been looking for. You are the light that will illuminate this darkened world obscured from reality. You are the Force that will bring about the essential change prophesied for millennia. And only your inner look can make you realize that indeed, you are the miracle.

Yes, you are the miracle. You are the future. And that future is here. Your now is today.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Dream of the Landscape

Below is a collection from my "dream of the landscape" monograph.


Thursday, June 19, 2008



that you are more than what eyes can see,
maybe, even more than what you imagined you could be.

that the sun rises each single morning just for you;
the reason why the moon shines brightly every night.
the reason why the sky in summer is so clear and blue,
why the first snow flurry of winter is so pure and white,
and the reason why the leaves of autumn turn to a golden hue.

that you are the reason why birds sing;
and why even flowers in the harshest of deserts
bloom in spring.

Always remember...
that everything has a reason for being,
but that you are the meaning for everything.



Tuesday, June 10, 2008



Reds, oranges, yellows
Colors of the setting sun
See the moon smile.


The system and the abyss

The system is going to the abyss and it wants to drag the rest of humanity with it.

But who or what exactly is the system? Perhaps to make it easier to understand and unmask this sort of abstract entity, we need to ask a different question. Instead of asking who or what is the system, maybe we should ask: who or what represent the system? Then, maybe this abstraction becomes less hazy.

Who or what then represent the System? the state, the institutions, the corporations, the banks, the multinationals, the transnationals, the para-states, and finally, the organizations, governments, politicians, bureaucrats and individuals who not only accept the ideology of the system, but advocate, defend and utilize its principles and methodology that promote the continued negation of what are fundamental to the human being: his freedom and intentionality.

But where is this ideology originating from? Its principles, its methodology -- where are all these based on, where are all these coming from? The way I see it, these are all based on and coming from an archaic point of view, a point of view regarding "nature", the "natural" and the "nature" of the human being. A point of view that considers the human being as part of the animal kingdom and therefore, part of "nature". Everyone agree on this concept of "human nature".

On this basis, their ideology, principles, laws and methodology -- that institutionalized injustice throughout the world -- is therefore only practical, common sensical, logical, rational, pragmatic and therefore justified. Why not? Isn't it all natural? Isn't all these according to nature?

On top of all of these -- and what makes matters worse -- they believe that this "nature" of things were granted; it has been given by the highest authority; it was granted by the divinity itself.

And since their gods are capable of unbridled violence, doesn't that justify their own violence -- at least in their own conscience?

From this basis, from this starting point, from this point of view, it is then only reasonable that the fittest survives, the most aggressive succeeds, the most competitive wins, the richer becomes richer, etc. Of course, not to forget: they shall all inherit the earth!

Or so, they think.

Everything is logical, everything is reasonable, everything is justified -- and why not? it's all "natural"!

But where do all these lead us?

Where else but to more concentration of power, concentration of information, of resources, of goods, etc. In short, the appropriation of the whole by a small part of the whole, whose consequence is pain, suffering, hunger, vengeance, war, violence at home, violence in the streets, massive unemployment, discrimination, intolerance, destruction of the environment, the abyss -- and of course, without realizing it, the slow death of the human spirit!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Crossroads of Existence


The history of the humankind is a long history of struggle; beginning with the struggle against nature, against social injustice, against economic inequality, against ignorance, against pain, against suffering, against death. This same history proved that these struggles can be brought to fruition, and the crisis at hand can be overcomed if something is collectively done. It is in the doing that the species develop and advance toward the evolutionary path.

Although, the human being has made great leaps since the first homosapiens - discovering, creating and controlling fire, domesticating plants and animals, conquering illness and disease, advancing science and technology, instituting educational, social, judicial and economic systems that try to benefit a greater number of people each time - it is evident that these advances are not enough; that food, which is in abundance should be distributed to the hungry (individual or nation); that healthcare and medicine should be available free to all who need it; that education (from preschool to the highest institutions of learning) should be available free for anyone and everyone who desires it; that the business of governing should be the sole responsibility of the governed (not in theory, but in practice); that the profits and managing of companies and corporations should be equally shared between capital and labor.

The human species is now at the crossroads of its existence; will it make the final great leap to the unfamiliar landscape of the future? Or, will it make a big step backwards to the familiar but violent past? Will it continue with its ascent through the longer but evolutionary path, or take the easier way descending through the shorter but dead-end street? Will it continue with the progressive struggle of its ancestral heroes, or surrender to the dictates of a regressive and reactionary few?

The human species is at the crossroad of its existence. it is experiencing the greatest crises of its lifetime. It has its back against the abyss. It cannot make a step backwards. It has to continue with its journey. The human species has to fulfill its destiny. It has to continue with its own and its ancestors' struggle.

The history of the human being is a history of struggle; represented by the struggles of the colonized nations, the student protest movements of the 60's, the civil rights movements, etc, initiated by the disenfranchised majority against the ruling minority. Will the same hold true for the total and global change that is in the horizon?


The history of the human being is a history of the new surpassing the old. Whenever something is dying, something new is being born. Indeed, a new sensibility is being born in the hearts of each individual human being: a new way of thinking, of feeling and acting in the world; and this something new transcends races, transcends classes, transcends all backgrounds: economic, social, cultural, political.

In such a way, that this new sensibility is already present in the diverse humanist groups of the world. Will these forces join hands in the noble task of working together to humanize the earth and building a universal human nation - fulfilling man's destiny? Has the historic moment arrived? Is Real History about to begin?


From Nothing


Only from nothing can one see everything.




• Nothing has any meaning unless the human being gives it one.

• So it is up to him to give his relations meaning; his work meaning; his environment meaning...

• It is up to him to give his past, present and future meaning...

• And it is up to him to give his life meaning, because he alone could give it this.

• So that in the end, he would have comprehended even the meaning of his death.
